Monday, February 14, 2011

Let Your Love Never Run Dry

You have to be one of the most broken people I've ever seen. And I don't blame you! You've been through more heartache than should be allowed in one lifetime. I hurt for you. I wish I could make it better, give something of myself to you, bear your burden, trade places. I wish I could, and it hurts not to be able to do anything about it.
I'm watching you struggle through this. Fighting to be understood, to be accepted, to be real. You find ways to feel better. Sometimes they're healthy, sometimes they're not. But you're looking to get better, you're trying out options, searching fiercely. Too bad it's not working for you. You can't fill the void, you can't handle the pain, you can't move on, or get better. You have almost exhausted every option. You are almost done.
I know what will fix it, if you would only believe me. If I could only show you, or put it in a way that you'd understand. I know the Ultimate Healer. I know the One who knows your heart, and knows exactly what you need, and how much and when and how and why. I know who will fix you, who will complete your search.
I've watched Him rescue people time and time again from pains and struggles, from heartache, brokenness, emptiness, loneliness. He's the One. He's the only way.
I feel the need to show you, and I can't really figure out how. But God knows the situation. He knows your heart cry. I'm just trusting Him to use His love to speak to you. To let me love you with a love that isn't of this world, that you won't feel from anyone else, that will satisfy that need for acceptance and love that you are desperately searching for. I hate your brokenness, but there's beauty in it. There's hope, potential.

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