Monday, June 20, 2011

Regardless of What Happens

We were two bouncing souls, trapped in high school hallways. We collided and meshed with plenty of other souls, making and breaking relationships that now serve as our past. But then one day, we interacted, and it was as if I had found a kindred soul. A soul made of the same fabric. Someone whose vibes frequented the same channels as mine. All of the sudden, our souls aligned. We walk down the sidewalk, parallel and practically in sync. Our paces differ at times, our laughter too early or late, but something is right. Something inside me feels like it never has before. Like I’ve found someone just for me, someone I like. One time I told him he was the best. He declined it, and now I think he is right. He is not the best, like I had once said. But what he is, is my favourite. He’s my kind of best.
I’m glad our souls finally found each other. That’s a beautiful image: us bouncing for four years, unconnected, and our sudden contact pulls us with extreme force onto the same track.
It’s inevitable, I don’t believe I have to the power to refuse it. I don’t believe I want to. I’m not sure if I should. Regardless of what happens, you are my kind of soul and I love you.