Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Proving the Bible

Up until this point, when I was trying to explain the concept of Christianity to people who don't call that their own faith, my reasons to follow it were such:
1) You don't go to hell
2) Jesus satisfies that hole in your heart - admit it, you know something's missing

Both of these things are completely and honestly, true facts. But last night, when I was reading my Bible, in Acts chapter 10, I realized that my focus is off; my understanding is slightly wrong. I'm willing to admit this though, research and correct it. I follow what the Bible says, regardless of what I hear from renown theologists, charismatic speakers or the pastor at church. If any one of them told me something that contradicted the Bible, I draw the line. I want truth, and that's all I want.
So then, what is the basis for Christianity? It's not what we get out of it. It's not the feeling, or how it makes my life easier or feel purposeful. Literally, it comes down to what is truth.

Point 1:
I don't think anyone would argue me on the fact that Jesus once walked this Earth, living a "good" life serving others. Lots of different religions acknowledge that.
Point 2:
Lots of scholars use the Bible as an accurate historical document. It lines up with many other documents from history.

If you're one of those people who acknowledge that the Bible is real and true, and know what it says - that this guy Jesus, the Son of God who was perfect, died on a cross. And His death is the only way that God will allow you into heaven because you are forgiven of your sins. If at this point, you choose to deny it, choose to live the life you choose instead of what the Bible says, then I respect that. I'm absolutely heart broken because of it, because I believe you're buying the temporariness of this world and that means you're going to hell. Which flippin' sucks! And I wish you wouldn't, but that's up to you. But I worry that the majority of people don't recognize the Bible as real and/or don't know what it says. This is where it doesn't add up. This is where people don't understand, where they really need to look into it. Laziness, stubbornness or whatever else equals an eternity of regret. An eternity of, it's too late.

I've learned to hate the answer "I don't know." I'm sick of people leaving it at that. God is not a simple guy, and I'm learning lots about Him. But when I come to a question, I want an answer. I want to understand what I believe and understand God in the fullest way a human can. Especially for people who are not Christians, and I ask a question and then they leave it at, "I'm not really sure.." You can't. You just can't. I need to know.

I'm not going to blindly follow. I'm not one of those people who are convinced of this whole concept of God just by what they're told. I'm figuring this out as I go. I'm learning so much. Specifically what I'm learning is that the Bible's definition of a Christian hardly matches up with the way that the majority of people are living their "Christian" lives. I'm striving for that - to be a Biblical Christian, to the core. I'm no where close to it, honestly. People look at me and know me as a really nice person, who doesn't swear and goes to church and whatever else, but I'm telling you, I've got a long way to go. Not to say I'm not a Christian, because I accept Jesus' sacrifice for me, and recognize that I'm a sinner and without Him I couldn't go to heaven. But I am learning what it is to live the life that God calls us to live, and it ain't simple! But it is epic. Small steps towards becoming more like Him.

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