Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Generally how this works is, I always start with no direction or purpose really but end up having a lot to say.
Idea: I'm going to type in "word of the day" in google, and whatever comes up,  I'll write about it. Cool beans, here we go..
The word of the day is: mithridate - A confection believed to contain an antidote to every poison.
I'm not really feelin' that one. No wait, let's see what I got.. 

Why doesn't anybody use this? Why have I never even heard of this? All those people who died because they couldn't read the WHMIS signs. I don't think Shakespeare ever heard of that one, or else there would be no Romeo and Juliet, or rather there would be. And Hamlet's father that was killed with some poison in his ears by his brother, things could have continued nicely. Hamlet would still be at University and his relationship with Ophelia would have been just fine. Someone should notify the doctors about this one. They should keep some on hand. I wonder what the side affects are, or if it tastes bad or something.
I looked it up on google. Apparently it's practically impossible to mix. It's got like 54 ingredients and some quantities are as small as 1/16 denarius, which I'm assuming is like microscopic. That's why they say its from the gods, because only they could measure that. Interesting.. a little. I want to get my hands on some of that. Actually, that's a lie. I don't even care past this paragraph. I'm gonna use that though, mithridate. I'll bring it up in some conversation.

That wasn't quite as successful as I had hoped, but whatever. I think I'm the only person that finds pleasure in this blog anyway, so I'm going to continue speaking randomness and enjoying it.
Lay-tuh-er duh-ay-yuh-zz. Mad Gab that one out.

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