Friday, October 29, 2010

The Most Sensical Nonsense You'll Ever Read. Maybe.

You might be surprised about how much I have to say about having nothing to say.
I can probably think of something..
Here we go, let's talk about this whole concept of a "Blog". I find it quite exciting. Not knowing who is reading what you write, and writing to complete strangers? It gives what I have to say a whole new dynamic; it changes the context, influences the angle. It's neat, I'm intrigued.
Part of me wants to treat my Blog as a journal and spill random things about my day that I just need to get out. Another part of me wants to create this medley of creative expression: a blog with song lyrics, pictures, Youtube videos and creative writing pieces of no theme or purpose, just a collage of things that make me happy, hoping that maybe they'll make you happy too. Lastly, I want to show you God. I know, crazy, but I mean it. I want those of you who have never seen Him before to see Him, as He works through my life, because He does, and it's flippin' sweet! God's hand is constantly on my life, but often I forget to pay attention to what He's doing and give Him credit for all He does. (Don't stop reading now, just cuz I mentioned God, k?) 
You might laugh at me, actually by this point in history - or the present, depending on how you look at it - I'd say most people choose not to believe in God. It's natural, it's the human thing to do - to stray, to fight for control, to doubt what you can't see, to want to live for yourself. God is given a bad image anyway. Everyone thinks He's boring, and strict and mean and distant. But people who think that haven't experienced Him. He's HUGE. He does the CRAZIEST things ever, like it blows my mind everytime I open the Bible. He's out of this world in the way He does things. He's not bound by the rules of nature because He created them.
I kind of see it as the Sims game (which I spent way too much money and time on). You can play the game how it was made, or you can cheat and do whatever you want: infinite money, speed up aging, instant babies, forcing twins, bathtubs through walls and pretty much anything you want. So not only does God have the power to overrule the laws of the world, He, being the creator of the game, knows everything about it and has the knowledge and understanding to manipulate it to His liking. Which results in pregnant old ladies who are past their time, the earth splitting open and swallowing people up (I WISH I could have seen this), people (not only Jesus!) coming back to from the dead, parting seas so that walls of water are upheld while people walk across the dry land of the bottom of the sea, and guys with superhuman strength who break lion's jaws with their bare hands.
The Bible isn't boring. Despite what people say. Read it - try the Old Testament if you're looking for something interesting. Maybe I'll post a sweet story for you to check out sometime.
Don't write it off though, would ya? For me. Well do it for me, but I'm saying that for you.
Don't live life without knowing the facts. Don't make your decision without learning about God yourself and then making your decision. It's not worth it - hell, forever? It's not cool (haha). 1) it hurts, and 2) you're apart from God forever, which may not matter to you now, but this is the last thing I'll say:
If your heart isn't satisfied, if when you stop and think about what you want in life, you realize it's not whatever you have now, there's only one thing that will satisfy that desire. Sure, money feels good for a little while. That promotion, that boyfriend, that talent that's developing into something potential. But when all is said and done, there is still something missing, isn't there? There's only one thing that will give you purpose, and it goes beyond circumstance. Your life can be as upside down as upside down gets, but your heart will still be content if you've got Jesus.
I promise.

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